
Mountain Division hikers conduct a bi-annual climb to to the summit of Mt Timpanogas, the second highest peak in Utah.

The 15 mile round trip journey follows the Timpooneke trail through wilderness area, ascending 4500 feet to a summit elevation of 11752 ft. Notable features include Emerald Lake, rocky slopes, waterfalls, spectacular wildflower fields, and a high-elevation glacier. The high-altitude climb is great conditioning for TZMD members.

Catch your breath!
A shack in the center of the summit ridge marks the objective, and features a view of of the entire valley below. Mountain Division members descend back along the rugged peak trail, or slide 1300 feet down the glacier to Emerald lake. Go Teame!

TZ Mountain Division specializes in conducting operations in the most extreme and isolated environments, from alpine downhill to rappelling and desert climbing. TZMD is ready to deploy for search and rescue operation and other critical incidents

TIMP TOP: Mountain Division hikers conduct a bi-annual climb to to the 11752-foot summit of Mt Timpanogas
Keywords: - Nature - - - - Climbing -
A shack in the center of the summit ridge marks the objective, and features a view of of the entire valley below. Mountain Division members descend back along the rugged peak trail, or slide 1300 feet down the glacier to Emerald lake.

AIR HAVEN: Multiagency mass casualty evacuation and asset consolidation exercise
Keywords: - Readiness - - Exercises - - Flying - - Training -
Simulated casualties were triaged and first aid administered at collection points before critical cases were evacuated by helicopter to area hospitals. TZMD operators assembled at takeoff points with other emergency responders onto helicopters to consolidate response efforts at forward command centers.

TZMD-SAR: OPERATION PRONGHORN in cooperation with Federal, State and local first responders as a part of a multi-disciplinary Search and Rescue exercise
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Operation Pronghorn was conducted in cooperation with Federal, State and local first responders as a part of a multi-disciplinary Search and Rescue exercise. A vehicle related to the shooting has been located and a search is conducted.

AIREDROP: Teame members make a rapid descent from 8621 feet peak elevation in two-man K-9 packs
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This peak hike is a workout for person and beast, but achievable even by beginner hikers. Acclimation to high altitudes and motivation are the all hard work it takes to summit a mountain.

DRUM HILL: Immediate response scenario tests TZMD readiness.
Keywords: - Readiness - - Exercises - - -
TZ participants were delivered the scenario in the midst of other training, and were obligated to plan and engage their response immediately. The scenario tested readiness, coordination, and willingness to engage challenges.

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