
Mountain Division hikers conduct a bi-annual climb to to the summit of Mt Timpanogas, the second highest peak in Utah.

The 15 mile round trip journey follows the Timpooneke trail through wilderness area, ascending 4500 feet to a summit elevation of 11752 ft. Notable features include Emerald Lake, rocky slopes, waterfalls, spectacular wildflower fields, and a high-elevation glacier. The high-altitude climb is great conditioning for TZMD members.

Catch your breath!
A shack in the center of the summit ridge marks the objective, and features a view of of the entire valley below. Mountain Division members descend back along the rugged peak trail, or slide 1300 feet down the glacier to Emerald lake. Go Teame!

TZ Mountain Division specializes in conducting operations in the most extreme and isolated environments, from alpine downhill to rappelling and desert climbing. TZMD is ready to deploy for search and rescue operation and other critical incidents

TZMD-SAR: OPERATION PRONGHORN in cooperation with Federal, State and local first responders as a part of a multi-disciplinary Search and Rescue exercise
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Operation Pronghorn was conducted in cooperation with Federal, State and local first responders as a part of a multi-disciplinary Search and Rescue exercise. A vehicle related to the shooting has been located and a search is conducted.

INDEPENDENCE SHADOW: Live-fire practice manuever and ingress/egress in contested environments
Keywords: - Readiness - - Exercises - - Guns -
Silent Maneuvers and sudden contact procedures are an essential Mountain Division skill. TZMD members practiced ingress and egress maneuvers in wet, silent, and hot environments. With trained K9 units, TZMD moved swiftly through the mosquito-infested terrain. Safe movements were combined with a rapid tempo to simulate real-world problems.

OPERATION RUMBLE IN THE ROCKIES: Multi-agency mass casualty exercise for Mountain Division members
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Operation Rumble In the Rockies was a multi-discipline multi-agency mass casualty exercise involving federal, state and local first responders

GLACIER SLIDE: Rapid high-altitude maneuvers on ice, snow, and rock
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TZ members stay ready for anything, including non-traditional rapid maneuver techniques Balance and timing is key if you want to move in safety... and when there is no time left to lose, practice is the only thing that can make a difference.

TZMD GUN & FUN: TZ Mountain Division got together for a day of target practice at the Family Shooting Center!
Keywords: - Guns - - -
TZ mentors helped all participants practice proper form, breathing, sighting, and trigger control techniques during the event

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