TZ Mountain Division partners with TZ Research & Development to test equipment and tactics for search and rescue deployments and other critical engagement drills

Operating as a detached maneuvering element, TZ Mountain Division conducted live fire exercises in conjunction with overhead UAV support. Overhead units help in several important ways.

Small element areal support overhead includes observation and kinetic action purposes. Unit support happens for maintenance and ongoing operational basis, including training duties. TZR&D elements coordinated aerial coverage with small unit tactics. The UAV operated in a force protection role. Teame Zazzu continues to improve ISR and situational awareness capabilities during deployment using UAVs and other robotic assets.

TZ conducts ongoing utility studies of UAV engagements.
During Operation Overlook Spark, a simulated engagement utilizing reactive explosive targets recreated key factors of a kinetic engagement while on a typical patrol maneuver. Forward elements took a key lead in planning. TZR&D science support staff manned all electronics functions. Utilizing a minimal detachment helped measure UAV coverage utility in various scenarios including FPV system failure, Line of Sight Maneuvering, and high winds within rapid deployment time windows. The environment allowed commanders realistic efficacy and accurate situation reporting using likely assets. TZ conducts ongoing utility studies of UAV engagements. Overlook spark employed a man-portable short-range low altitude ultra light quadcopter equipped with sensors, suitable for short-range, high-risk mission profiles. This UAV unit is capable of disposable operation by a single controller. Go Teame!


DRUM HILL: Immediate response scenario tests TZMD readiness.
Keywords: - Readiness - - Exercises - - -
TZ participants were delivered the scenario in the midst of other training, and were obligated to plan and engage their response immediately. The scenario tested readiness, coordination, and willingness to engage challenges.

STEEL BABE: Fashion gets feisty with Mountain Division
Keywords: - Fashion - - Preparedness - - Post-Apocalypse -
TZFD & TZMD conducted combined manuvers and emergency response for a little morale building among Teame Members!

OPERATION HARDSHAFT: Coordinated underground operations conducting an ROV-assisted tunnel complex safety survey
Keywords: - Readiness - - Exercises - - Rov5 - - Rovers -
Drone Division utilized a TZ.ROV.V.5 drone to scout and tunnels and gauge ground stability for armed TZMD operators. Teame members then moved through the tunnels clearing mine shafts and marking hazards. TZMD operators successfully secured the tunnel complex during underground operations and egressed the area under cover of darkness after hoist recovery of the TZ.ROV.V.5 drone unit.

OPERATION RUMBLE IN THE ROCKIES: Multi-agency mass casualty exercise for Mountain Division members
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Operation Rumble In the Rockies was a multi-discipline multi-agency mass casualty exercise involving federal, state and local first responders

TZMD-SAR: OPERATION PRONGHORN in cooperation with Federal, State and local first responders as a part of a multi-disciplinary Search and Rescue exercise
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Operation Pronghorn was conducted in cooperation with Federal, State and local first responders as a part of a multi-disciplinary Search and Rescue exercise. A vehicle related to the shooting has been located and a search is conducted.

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