TZ Public Outreach intervenes through technology research, policy initiatives, public service awareness campaigns, the fine arts, and press media cooperation to support civil liberties and encourage public discourse and civil engagement

The definition of zombie must evolve to include the emergence of phenomenon created in the digital age. "Zombie" must include machine networks or cyborg Multi-Agent Systems, drone robots and other unmanned or autonomous machines, and malicious software and zombie bots in cyberspace, in addition to the typical humans undergoing demonic possession, psychopharmacologically induced psychosis or virulent biologically transmitted diseases.

The term Zombie therefore refers to the observed behavior or presentation, rather then to the etiology of the disorder. The term "zombie" primarily refers to the continued or spontaneous malicious operation of a system, biological or machine, that appears to approximate functions under human operation but lacks the soul, willpower or humanity, typically present during the operation.

Zombies may be non-biological entities, Multi-Agent systems, killer robots or crazed undead humans. The important aspect of a zombie is that it is a malicious, parasitic predator without a conscience or ability to make free decisions. A shell with the ability to act, but without the ability to choose.
Unawareness and a lack of free will are key concepts of the biological form of zombie disorder. The common threads present in any of these definitions of zombie include Mindlessness - unthinking, unquestioning, compliant, Parasitic - requires host system, Bereft of self awareness or consciousness - a key lack of humanity or life essence, Performs malicious tasks - computer viruses, Predator drones and undead humans all preform malign tasks disruptive to humans, Under malign remote control or malicious per-defined autonomy - lack of free will, conscience or willpower, Host is unaware of zombie behavior - ignorance of effect on society and a lack of consciousness of its place in the larger Multi-Agent System. Go Teame!


RED ROCKS RETREAT: TZ members gather for a day-hike in Red Rocks Park
Keywords: - Nature - - Exercises - - -
Once called Garden of the Angels, The park is known for its very large red sandstone outcrops.

NUCLEAR FALLOUT SURVIVAL: Are you experiencing fatigue, diarrhea, and nosebleeds? Is your city deserted for miles and radioactive animals are running the streets? You could be experiencing a nuclear disaster!
Keywords: - Readiness - - Nuclear - - Disaster - - Trust -
Teame Zazzu has conducted an initial assessment of the Fukishima disaster as a model to help understand how an abandoned or otherwise incapacitated nuclear reactor might effect your zombie evacuation plan.

OPERATIVE TRAINING: With good training, a properly motivated team member can transform into a properly prepared Team Mentor
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Diverse experience overcoming challenges in changing environments requiring adaptability, flexibility, and discipling develops the mental fortitude to be ready for the unexpected.

COMMUNITY CORRESPONDENCE: Mark Udall U.S. Senator, Colorado, to Teame Zazzu
Keywords: - - - WAPS -
" As a member of the Senate Armed Services and the Intelligence committees, I share your concerns about protecting the privacy and personal information of all Americans. Especially with recent advances in geolocation technology making it increasingly easy to secretly track the movements and whereabouts of individual Americans on an ongoing, 24/7 basis, we need to ensure that the law keeps up with these advances in technology."

CRASH RESPONSE: Teame Zazzu joined local law enforcement and emergency response agencies to demonstrate a typical combined emergency response to an fatal emergency scenario
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The public demonstration involved police, firefighters, EMT, and Airmed rescue transportation helicopters. It showed the aftermath of a fatal accident involving an intoxicated driver with passenger colliding with an occupied vehicle containing a mother and child.

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