
Silent Maneuvers and sudden contact procedures are an essential Mountain Division skill. TZMD members practiced ingress and egress maneuvers in wet, silent, and hot environments.

With trained K9 units, TZMD moved swiftly through the mosquito-infested terrain. Safe movements were combined with a rapid tempo to simulate real-world problems.

Clear your Zones and Move on Signal!
Teame members utilized training and teamwork skills to plan and execute live-fire drills while adapting to exigent circumstances, maintaining cover and concealment, and executing positive K9 handling techniques. Target scores were achieved and marked for objective completion and advancement to each station. An after-action review was completed and forewarded to participants. Go Teame!

TZ Mountain Division specializes in conducting operations in the most extreme and isolated environments, from alpine downhill to rappelling and desert climbing. TZMD is ready to deploy for search and rescue operation and other critical incidents

OPERATION RUMBLE IN THE ROCKIES: Multi-agency mass casualty exercise for Mountain Division members
Keywords: - -
Operation Rumble In the Rockies was a multi-discipline multi-agency mass casualty exercise involving federal, state and local first responders

AIR HAVEN: Multiagency mass casualty evacuation and asset consolidation exercise
Keywords: - Readiness - - Exercises - - Flying - - Training -
Simulated casualties were triaged and first aid administered at collection points before critical cases were evacuated by helicopter to area hospitals. TZMD operators assembled at takeoff points with other emergency responders onto helicopters to consolidate response efforts at forward command centers.

TZ-SAR RESCUE RETREAT: Mountain Division embeds with civilian medical air crews for readiness training
Keywords: - Readiness - - Search and Rescue - - -
TZ Search & Rescue completed certification of readiness training as well as continued to develop UAV operations at SAR conference

OPERATION ZEPHYR: Extreme weather emergency response
Keywords: - Readiness - - Weather - - Tornado - - Search and Rescue - - Disaster - - Exercises -
Coordinated emergency disaster response in the aftermath of a tornado touchdown reproduced damage occurring in a residential community after thunderstorms formed a rapidly moving squall line and spun an F-2 tornado. Local volunteers activated to respond to the incident were placed under TZ command elements and dispatched as a rapid reaction force designated Alpha Team.

OPERATION WILDERNESS IN THE CITY: A full-scale urban-wilderness interface search and rescue exercise in conjunction with regional and state emergency responders to test planning, operational coordination and mass search and rescue operations.
Keywords: - Readiness - - Search and Rescue - - Exercises - - K9 -
Wilderness in the city was conducted at the Coal Creek Arena and adjoining Sand Creek Regional Greenway. TZK9 handlers observed SimCell participant roles and responsibilities as indicated by scenario controllers. TZMD operatives led Team and Agency players in direct action under exercise evaluation observers. An after-action report, participant feedback report, and Controller and Evaluator Debriefing was collected to conduct improvement planning for corrective action programs.

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