
Teame Zazzu members gathered for a day-hike in Red Rocks Park in Jefferson. A light walking lunch was served during hiking events.

The park is known for its very large red sandstone outcrops.

Coordinated Hiking!
An Army expedition discovered present day Red Rocks in 1820. The park was once a favorite campsite of the Ute tribe for plentiful natural cover. Its earliest known name was the Garden of the Angels. Go Teame!

TZ Public Outreach intervenes through technology research, policy initiatives, public service awareness campaigns, the fine arts, and press media cooperation to support civil liberties and encourage public discourse and civil engagement

RED ROCKS RETREAT: TZ members gather for a day-hike in Red Rocks Park
Keywords: - Nature - - Exercises - - -
Once called Garden of the Angels, The park is known for its very large red sandstone outcrops.

ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE INFANTRY EXERCISES-- AFTER ACTION REVIEW: Tactically, the collapse of MAD theory results in diminished effectiveness when utilizing standard law enforcement methodology as a deterrent against zombies. The propensity to attack the target despite mutually assured destruction (MAD) implies that zombie behavior is better approximated by terrorist or guerrilla psychopathology.
Keywords: - Zombies - - Readiness - - -
Initial findings indicate that two man teams of light infantry appear optimally mobile and effective when engaged in highly saturated urban operational areas. Limiting contact to low-kinetic engagements is key to avoid being overrun. Small arms, blood borne pathogen protection and a sword are essential equipment. Constant movement with covering-fire formation as well as aggressive violence-of-action are essential in maintaining the initiative and controlling infantry maneuvers.

DRONES WITHOUT HUMANITY: Zombies may be non-biological entities, Multi-Agent systems, killer robots or crazed undead humans. The important aspect of a zombie is that it is a malicious, parasitic predator without a conscience or ability to make free decisions. A shell with the ability to act, but without the ability to choose.
Keywords: - Zombies - - Machine War - - WAPS -
“The term "zombie" primarily refers to the continued or spontaneous malicious operation of a system, biological or machine, that appears to approximate functions under human operation but lacks the soul, willpower or humanity, typically present during the operation."

COMMUNITY CORRESPONDENCE: Jay Stanley, Senior Policy Analyst Speech, Privacy and Technology Program Editor, Free Future blog The American Civil Liberties Union, responds to Teame Zazzu
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"I am especially interested in the state of automated location-trail tracking technology, and it would be great if I could point people to evidence that the state of the art is already advanced."

COMMUNITY CORRESPONDENCE: U.S. Senator Rand Paul to Teame Zazzu
Keywords: - - - Drones -
"Although the U.S. military has successfully used drones overseas for years, law enforcement at every level is starting to expand their use here in the United States. Federal agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security use drones in order to monitor and crackdown on illegal border crossings. Other federal uses of drones are less defensible..."

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